- taught Young Grasshoppa how to drive the mule. Welcome to a lifetime of hauling water and running errands and worrying that you're going to run out of gas in back daycamp.
- left to take an ESL certification test. This was my un-fun 3 hours of the day.
- ordered 18 slushes at Sonic Happy Hour, and made some counselors coming off the hill from horseback very, very happy. Their happiness cost me $0.65 each. Totally worth it. Even with the mean stares from the 3 carhops who had to bring them out to me.
- went to free swim with the camp dog, a labrador retriever that doesn't like to swim and hates gunfire. He's an epic failure at being a retriever but a compete success at being a camp dog.
- made myself a "princess" dress out of paper towels, duct tape, and spray glitter. I also wore a cow head bonnet. It's a long and weird story.
- wore Bubba Teeth for most of the evening. I went almost 80 minutes until I got the perfect 8 year old double take. God bless her polite attitude, but her face was absolutely priceless.
- sang camp songs - lounge singer style - on the mule with one of my all-time favorite, laugh-a-minute friends, Alison.
- sat in the cabin floor, playing cards with a camper when I should've been doing rounds.
- listened to the same camper tell me that yesterday, she hated it here. Now, she never wants to leave. One day. That's all it takes sometimes. Screw rounds.
- got peeped on by Big Momma Raccoon who so desperately wanted to join the party at Ikerd L that she was pressed up against the glass door like some sort of animated suction cup Garfield cat. A raccoon in search of Skittles and Ring Pops.
- searched for a canoe full of the CIT's bedding somewhere in the middle of an extremely dark lake. Better luck in the morning, boys.
- fed the camp dog half my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I am a sucker for the camp dog. He is a sucker for pb&j.
- laughed my ass off with some of my cutie-pie staff in the office on time-off. They make me smile. I hope they continue that trend all summer. Please. Please let them continue to make me smile.
And people wonder why I still do this job.