Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School: 2011 Edition

Tomorrow is the first day of school.  Again.

You'd think that after 30 of these the newness of it all would wear off.  It hasn't.  And I fully realize what a huge nerd that makes me.  So be it.  I cannot remember a time when I wasn't a huge nerd; it just took next to forever to accept that fact.

"Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms."  Name that movie. 

I wish someone would send me a bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils.  I wish I lived in a state that had an actual, visible "fall" season. *sigh*

But the first day is exciting.  As a child, it meant donning my new shoes or grabbing my fancy lunch box (which I would carry once and then eat in the cafeteria for the other 186 days), but as a teacher, it's something different.  It's the beginning of an adventure.  It makes me nostalgic about the past and hopeful for the future.  Anxious but hopeful.

"Remember, Red. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."

Bonus points for naming that movie (although quoting a prison movie in regard to school is kind of funny).

  • I hope my alarm(s) go off in the morning.  My alarm(s) cause me great anxiety.  Specifically my knack for turning off my alarm, hence why I have alarm(s) -- plural.
  • I hope I remember my lunch in my brand new lunch box as I rush out the door.  And, yes, I bought myself a brand new lunch box.  It's a hard habit to break.
  • I hope I use my lunch box for all (or at least most) of the next 187 school days.  Sucker cost me $9.00. 
  • I hope I remember to take roll and take it the right way.  The first days are like no other when it comes to taking roll, and someone is bound to screw it up.  Just please, Lord, don't let it be me.
  • I hope I can learn all 120 names in a week or less. 
  • I hope they learn mine in a week or less.
  • I hope that every kid will understand how to work his locker on the first day/week/month.  This will most likely not happen, so I hope I can keep my deep sighs to a minimum when they ask for help for the 900th time.
  • I hope that at least one kid laughs at my corny jokes.
  • I hope that I make at least one kid feel more at ease by the time he leaves my room tomorrow.
  • I hope that I help them learn to plan.
  • I hope that I help them learn to complete.
  • I hope that I help them learn to succeed.
  • I hope to keep my voice calm and my face blank when I am frustrated with a student.
  • I hope that I have the courage to speak up when I am frustrated with a co-worker.
  • I hope that I lead by example. 
  • I hope that I lend a positive atmosphere throughout my school.
  • I hope that my lesson plans are both effective as well as turned in on time.
  • I hope to have my good days outnumber the tough days and for the great days to outnumber the good.
  • I hope I bought enough paper and supplies to last the year.  I didn't.  I never do, no matter how much I buy.
  • I hope I get kids who care and that I can make them care even more.
  • I hope that when I get kids who don't care I can make them care even just a little.
  • I hope that when I feel like giving up, that I cannot go any further, there's someone to talk me off the ledge.
  • I hope for calmer hallways and cooler weather.
  • I hope I can see the top of my desk again sometime before Christmas. 
  • I hope that I am up for all of the challenges that face me this year. 
  • I hope I make the same kind of difference that my own teachers made for me.
  • I hope.

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