Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Today's Post, Brought to You by the Number 3

Tomorrow is the 3rd birthday of my sweet boy, Elliott.  Elliott is the son of my best friend, Courtney.  He is the first of our village's burgeoning 2nd generation, for which Courtney might be mostly responsible .  But Elliott is the first.  The Pioneer.  And I cannot believe it's been almost 4 years since Courtney showed me a picture on her little ol' flip phone, and I asked in earnest confusion, "What the Hell is that?  Is that a pill you dropped?  Why are you showing me a picture of a dropped pill?"  But it wasn't.  It was a picture of that fateful little plus sign.

In my defense, camera phones nearly 4 years ago were incredibly, incredibly crappy.

But tomorrow is the day for 3, and so to commemorate, I've chosen to celebrate my darling little friend with a series of haiku poems -- 3 lines each for my favorite 3 year-old.

Even at five weeks,
Your good taste astounded us.
Heck of a shirt, kid.

Bookshelves overflow
Your love of turning pages
Makes your Deana proud.

You read us stories
Even when they're upside down.
Sweet imaginings.

Smile, bright like the sun,
Sweet as that bag of candy,
Infinitely so.

Luscious eyelashes
Surround those crystal blue eyes.
Forseeable swoons.

The first tricycle
Mere shadows of growing up.
How cute are you here?

"Teach Your Children Well"
Perfectly captured,
Your "bewief" in the home team,
Melts sports fans all 'round.

Happy Birthday my sweet Ell.  Your charms and smiles make "bewievers" of us all.  And please, don't ever stop saying "bewieve".  It's so dang cute, no matter what your speech therapist mom says. 

Love always,


  1. Shhhh. I even think it's cute. Don't tell any other speech therapists.

  2. I love him. He's so handsome. Love you Neana!

  3. Secret's safe with me.

    I love you, too, Aunt Manny.

  4. Awwww Deana, you've done it again! I tried subscribing to your blog, but I guess I'm too dumb. Would love to read everything you've written. You're amazing and that is one lucky little boy!!

    1. Okay. I'm dumb too. I just typed in all these suggestions as a comment and not a reply. See the next comment down. Hope it helps!

  5. Amy, you can read as much as you want. You don't have to "follow" it; it requires you to have a gmail account, I think. Just use the "older" post tabs at the bottom, or you can use the categories on the left side. If you're on a smartphone, you might have to choose "web version". As for new stuff, I try to post new entries on Facebook as well as Twitter (I'm lemonberry32 if you're a Tweeter). I appreciate all of your kind remarks; they are so encouraging!

  6. Love it! It makes my heart happy to know he has such a great support system of extended family. Love that boy, love you, also. He loves his Neena.
