Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Tiniest Glimpse...

Yesterday was kind of one long, crazy, what-the-hell-just-happened kind of day.

Lots of things made me happy, but some things made me terribly sad.

And a couple of things made me downright, mother-effing, rage-a-riffic.

In investigating one of the terribly sad, rage-a-riffic items on the "never dealt with that before" list, I found myself shutting up for once, sitting back, and watching my dear friend work his magic on this kid.  This wondrous little boy with a lifetime of worry already on his seven year-old shoulders.  It was just the smallest of things... a smile, a brush of the hair, a pat on the back, a silly expression, a tenderness not usually shown... but it was just the tiniest glimpse.  A glimpse of where this friend's been.  A glimpse of what he'll be one day.

And all the rage was gone.  Gone in the tiniest glimpse.

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