Thursday, June 2, 2011

Toddler Math and Cake-Cake Extortion

When you're about to be away from the real world for the summer, it's important to get some quality time with the funniest people you know.

For me, that means dinner with Elliott and some snuggle time with his baby sister, Brooklyn. Here's the conversation that ensued when Courtney told her darling son that his loving Aunt Deana was coming for a visit.

Court: Guess who's coming to see us? Deana! Deana is coming to see us!
Elliott: CAKE-CAKE! (with a deliriously happy face, I would imagine.)

Hmmm... the last 3 times I've spent serious time with my home skillet, Ell, has been for:  Heather's adoption shower, Heather's birthday party, and Baby Brooklyn's shower.

Here's math, according to a two-year old.

Showers and birthdays = cake-cake.

Therefore, DEANA = cake-cake.

So, when Courtney texted me this conversation, I had to strongly fight the urge to stop and buy my buddy a slice of cake-cake. But I resisted. Because his mother would kill me. And because Aunt Deana is neither made of money or cake-cake.

As I coaxed some green peas down the kid (and had to stomach a few of my own), I tried to get some video of my latest venture with E. Here's my attempt (Pardon the cackling at the end -- for everyone who listens to me on a daily basis, I'm really very sorry. I had no idea.)

Attempt #2 only served to attract Glammy's attention, and you'd better believe that ain't nobody better than Glammy.  Except maybe Poppy.  But Poppy wasn't there to chime in.  Too bad, Poppy.

I'm not quite sure what the Ell-Man says at the end, but his eyes tell the whole story.  "Uh-oh... Glammy heard me.  I'd better change my story and look extra cute."

So, here's what I learned tonight:
A.  Green Peas actually aren't too bad if they're fresh.  And coated with lots and lots of butter.
2.  You gotta bring the cake-cake if you want a chance to overthrow the Reign of Glammy.